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Impact Studies Using SuPy in Parallel Mode


In this tutorial, we aim to perform sensitivity analysis using supy in a parallel mode to investigate the impacts on urban climate of

  1. surface properties: the physical attributes of land covers (e.g., albedo, water holding capacity, etc.)
  2. background climate: longterm meteorological conditions (e.g., air temperature, precipitation, etc.)

Prepare supy for the parallel mode

load supy and sample dataset

In [1]:
from dask import delayed
from dask import dataframe as dd
import os
import supy as sp
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from time import time

get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
# produce high-quality figures, which can also be set as one of ['svg', 'pdf', 'retina', 'png']
# 'svg' produces high quality vector figures
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
print('version info:')
print('supy:', sp.__version__)
print('supy_driver:', sp.__version_driver__)
version info:
supy: 2019.2.8
supy_driver: 2018c5
In [2]:
# load sample datasets
df_state_init, df_forcing = sp.load_SampleData()
# perform an example run to get output samples for later use
df_output, df_state_final = sp.run_supy(df_forcing, df_state_init)

Paralell setup for supy using dask

In addition to the above packages, we also load dask to enable supy run in a parallel mode. Specifically, we will use `dask.dataframe <>`__, a specialized dataframe extending pandas.DataFrame’s ability in parallel operations, to implement a parallel supy for the impact studies in this tutorial.

Given the nature of impact studies that requires multiple independent models with selected parameters/variables varying across the setups, such simulations well fall into the scope of so-called *embarrassingly parallel computation* that is fully supported by dask. Also, as supy is readily built on the data structure pandas.DataFrame, we can fairly easily transfer it to the dask framework for parallel operations.

Internally, for a given forcing dataset df_forcing, supy loops over the grids in a df_state_init to conduct simulations. In this case, we can adapt the df_state_init to a dask-ed version to gain the parallel benefits through its parallelized apply method.

dask.dataframe essentially divides the work into pieces for parallel operations. As such, depending on the number of processors in your computer, it would be more efficient to set the partition number as the multipliers of CPU numbers.

In [5]:
import platform
import psutil
for info in list_info:
print('number of CPU processors:',cpu_count)
print('memory size (GB):',mem_size)
machine : x86_64
system : Darwin
mac_ver : ('10.14.3', ('', '', ''), 'x86_64')
processor : i386
number of CPU processors: 12
memory size (GB): 32.0

To demonstrate the parallelization, we simply duplicate the contents in df_state_init to make it seemingly large. Note we intentionally choose 24 as the number for copies to accompany the power of CPU.

Before we move on to the parallel mode, we perform a simulation in the traditional serial way to see the baseline performance.

Baseline serial run

In [6]:
# just run for 30 days
df_forcing_part = df_forcing.iloc[:288*30]
df_state_init_mgrids = df_state_init.copy()
# construct a multi-grid `df_state_init`
for i in range(24-1):
    df_state_init_mgrids = df_state_init_mgrids.append(
        df_state_init, ignore_index=True)
# perform a serial run
t0 = time()
xx = sp.run_supy(df_forcing_part, df_state_init_mgrids)
t1 = time()
t_ser = t1-t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_ser:.2f} s')

Execution time: 23.06 s

Parallel run

In [7]:
# convert `pandas.DataFrame` to `dask.dataframe` to enable parallelization
dd_state_init = dd.from_pandas(

# perform a parallel run using `map_partitions`
t0 = time()
xx_mp = dd_state_init\
        lambda x: sp.run_supy(df_forcing_part, x)[0],
t1 = time()
t_par = t1-t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 7.05 s

Check the data structure of xx_mp:

In [6]:
group SUEWS ... DailyState
var Kdown Kup Ldown Lup Tsurf QN QF QS QH QE ... DensSnow_Paved DensSnow_Bldgs DensSnow_EveTr DensSnow_DecTr DensSnow_Grass DensSnow_BSoil DensSnow_Water a1 a2 a3
grid datetime
0 2012-01-01 00:05:00 0.153333 0.018279 344.310184 371.986259 11.775615 -27.541021 40.574001 -46.53243 62.420064 3.576493 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 00:10:00 0.153333 0.018279 344.310184 371.986259 11.775615 -27.541021 39.724283 -46.53243 61.654096 3.492744 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 00:15:00 0.153333 0.018279 344.310184 371.986259 11.775615 -27.541021 38.874566 -46.53243 60.885968 3.411154 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 00:20:00 0.153333 0.018279 344.310184 371.986259 11.775615 -27.541021 38.024849 -46.53243 60.115745 3.331660 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 00:25:00 0.153333 0.018279 344.310184 371.986259 11.775615 -27.541021 37.175131 -46.53243 59.343488 3.254200 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 218 columns

Perform a parallel run using apply:

In [8]:
# perform a parallel run using `apply`
t0 = time()
xx_apply = dd_state_init\
        lambda x: sp.run_supy(df_forcing_part, x.to_frame().T)[0],
t1 = time()
t_par = t1 - t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 9.98 s

Check the data structure of xx_apply. Note the difference in resulted data structure between xx_apply and xx_mp:

In [9]:
0    group                        SUEWS            ...
1    group                        SUEWS            ...
2    group                        SUEWS            ...
3    group                        SUEWS            ...
4    group                        SUEWS            ...
Name: (98, 2012-01-01 00:05:00), dtype: object

Wrap up the above code into a function for easier use in multi-grid simulations

In [10]:
# function for multi-grid `run_supy` using map_partitions for better performance
def run_supy_mgrids(df_state_init_mgrids, df_forcing):
    dd_state_init = dd.from_pandas(
    df_output_mgrids = dd_state_init\
            lambda x: sp.run_supy(df_forcing, x)[0],
    return df_output_mgrids

Benchmark test

Note: this test may take a considerably long time depending on the machine performance

In [10]:
# different running length
list_sim_len = [
    day * 288 for day in [30, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270, 365, 365 * 2, 365 * 3]

# number of test grids
n_grid = 12

# construct a multi-grid `df_state_init`
df_state_init_m = df_state_init.copy()
for i in range(n_grid - 1):
    df_state_init_m = df_state_init_m.append(df_state_init, ignore_index=True)

# construct a longer`df_forcing` for three years
df_forcing_m = pd.concat([df_forcing for i in range(3)])
df_forcing_m.index = pd.date_range(

dict_time_ser = dict()
dict_time_par = dict()
for sim_len in list_sim_len:
    df_forcing_part = df_forcing_m.iloc[:sim_len]
    print('Sim days:', sim_len / 288)
    print('No. of grids:', df_state_init_m.shape[0])
    # serial run
    t0 = time()
    sp.run_supy(df_forcing_part, df_state_init_m)
    t1 = time()
    t_test = t1 - t0
    print(f'Execution time: {t_test:.2f} s')
    #     print()
    dict_time_ser.update({sim_len: t_test})

    # parallel run
    t0 = time()
    run_supy_mgrids(df_state_init_m, df_forcing_part)
    t1 = time()
    t_test = t1 - t0
    print(f'Execution time: {t_test:.2f} s')
    dict_time_par.update({sim_len: t_test})
Sim days: 30.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 10.62 s
Execution time: 3.99 s

Sim days: 90.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 37.36 s
Execution time: 19.63 s

Sim days: 120.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 51.14 s
Execution time: 28.22 s

Sim days: 150.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 58.08 s
Execution time: 35.20 s

Sim days: 180.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 67.24 s
Execution time: 50.90 s

Sim days: 270.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 97.64 s
Execution time: 63.56 s

Sim days: 365.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 125.39 s
Execution time: 66.33 s

Sim days: 730.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 250.16 s
Execution time: 97.39 s

Sim days: 1095.0
No. of grids: 12
Execution time: 381.80 s
Execution time: 147.22 s

In [11]:
df_benchmark = pd.DataFrame([
    0: 'parallel',
    1: 'serial',
df_benchmark.index = (df_benchmark.index / 288).astype(int).set_names(
    'Length of Simulation Period (day)')
# df_benchmark.columns.set_names('Execution Time (s)',inplace=True)
df_benchmark = df_benchmark\
        ratio=df_benchmark['parallel'] / df_benchmark['serial']
    .rename(columns={'ratio': 'ratio (=p/s, right)'})
# df_benchmark = df_benchmark.drop(index=[1,7,240])
ax = df_benchmark.plot(secondary_y='ratio (=p/s, right)',marker='o',fillstyle='none')

ax.set_ylabel('Execution Time (s)')

lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines()
ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc='upper center')

ax.right_ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='C2')
ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Execution Ratio (=p/s)',color='C2')
# patches,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels()

# ax.legend(patches,labels, loc='upper center')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Execution Ratio (=p/s)')

Surface properties: surface albedo

Examine the default albedo values loaded from the sample dataset

In [6]:

ind_dim (0,) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (5,) (6,)
98 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.1

Copy the initial condition DataFrame to have a clean slate for our study

Note: DataFrame.copy() defaults to deepcopy

In [7]:
df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()

Set the Bldg land cover to 100% for this study

In [8]: = 0
df_state_init_test.loc[:, ('sfr', '(1,)')] = 1

ind_dim (0,) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (5,) (6,)
98 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Construct a df_state_init_x dataframe to perform supy simulation with specified albedo

In [9]:
# create a `df_state_init_x` with different surface properties
n_test = 24
list_alb_test = np.linspace(0.1, 0.8, n_test).round(2)
df_state_init_x = df_state_init_test.append(
    [df_state_init_test]*(n_test-1), ignore_index=True)

# here we modify surface albedo
df_state_init_x.loc[:, ('alb', '(1,)')] = list_alb_test

Conduct simulations with supy

In [14]:
df_forcing_part = df_forcing.loc['2012 01':'2012 07']
df_res_alb_test = run_supy_mgrids(df_state_init_x, df_forcing_part)
In [15]:
iy id it imin qn qh qe qs qf U ... snow ldown fcld Wuh xsmd lai kdiff kdir wdir isec
2012-01-01 00:05:00 2012 1 0 5 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 4.51500 ... -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 0.0
2012-07-31 23:55:00 2012 213 23 55 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 3.46125 ... -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 0.0

2 rows × 25 columns

In [19]:
var Kdown ... U10
alb 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.37 ... 0.53 0.56 0.59 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.80
2012-01-01 00:05:00 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 ... 4.504253 4.504254 4.504254 4.504255 4.504255 4.504256 4.504256 4.504257 4.504258 4.504258
2012-01-01 00:10:00 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 ... 4.504464 4.504465 4.504465 4.504466 4.504466 4.504467 4.504467 4.504468 4.504469 4.504469
2012-01-01 00:15:00 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 ... 4.504675 4.504676 4.504676 4.504677 4.504678 4.504678 4.504679 4.504679 4.504680 4.504680
2012-01-01 00:20:00 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 ... 4.504887 4.504887 4.504888 4.504888 4.504889 4.504889 4.504890 4.504891 4.504891 4.504892
2012-01-01 00:25:00 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 0.153333 ... 4.505098 4.505099 4.505099 4.505100 4.505101 4.505101 4.505102 4.505102 4.505103 4.505103

5 rows × 1920 columns

In [20]:
ind_alb = df_res_alb_test\
    .set_levels(list_alb_test, level=0)\
    .set_names('alb', level=0)
df_res_alb_test.index = ind_alb
df_res_alb_test = df_res_alb_test.SUEWS.unstack(0)
df_res_alb_test_july=df_res_alb_test.loc['2012 7']

Examine the simulation results

In [21]:
alb 0.1 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.37 ... 0.53 0.56 0.59 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.8
count 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 ... 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000 8928.000000
mean 17.228250 17.221805 17.215353 17.208898 17.202437 17.195971 17.189499 17.183020 17.176535 17.170043 ... 17.135316 17.128783 17.122244 17.115696 17.109142 17.102582 17.096015 17.089442 17.082861 17.076274
std 3.329098 3.324287 3.319480 3.314680 3.309883 3.305090 3.300301 3.295519 3.290738 3.285962 ... 3.260573 3.255821 3.251075 3.246331 3.241592 3.236857 3.232125 3.227395 3.222669 3.217943
min 11.170041 11.169539 11.169037 11.168535 11.168033 11.167531 11.167028 11.166526 11.166024 11.165522 ... 11.162844 11.162341 11.161839 11.161337 11.160835 11.160333 11.159830 11.159328 11.158826 11.158323
25% 15.056289 15.055676 15.052872 15.051240 15.049831 15.047780 15.044683 15.041799 15.039364 15.037256 ... 15.025955 15.023428 15.021041 15.019697 15.017206 15.015011 15.010614 15.004378 14.996300 14.993286
50% 16.567200 16.563258 16.559877 16.558056 16.553386 16.549466 16.548026 16.545437 16.538896 16.533971 ... 16.508681 16.504471 16.497391 16.491112 16.483990 16.480801 16.477759 16.472855 16.467660 16.462985
75% 18.539557 18.528776 18.517567 18.508257 18.505134 18.498565 18.491591 18.483813 18.476377 18.468075 ... 18.426674 18.420512 18.411558 18.405740 18.393170 18.384248 18.376006 18.371998 18.363307 18.354587
max 29.949275 29.906529 29.863626 29.820563 29.777337 29.733945 29.690383 29.646649 29.612174 29.587775 ... 29.455759 29.431154 29.406500 29.381796 29.357040 29.332234 29.307376 29.282467 29.257506 29.232492

8 rows × 24 columns

In [ ]:
df_res_alb_T2_stat = df_res_alb_test_july.T2.describe()
df_res_alb_T2_diff = df_res_alb_T2_stat.transform(
    lambda x: x - df_res_alb_T2_stat.iloc[:, 0])
df_res_alb_T2_diff.columns = df_res_alb_T2_diff.columns-df_res_alb_T2_diff.columns[0]
In [32]:
ax_temp_diff = df_res_alb_T2_diff.loc[['max', 'mean', 'min']].T.plot()
ax_temp_diff.set_ylabel('$\Delta T_2$ ($^{\circ}}$C)')
ax_temp_diff.margins(x=0.2, y=0.2)

Background climate: air temperature

Examine the monthly climatology of air temperature loaded from the sample dataset

In [3]:
df_plot = df_forcing.Tair.iloc[:-1].resample('1m').mean()
ax_temp ='tab:blue')
ax_temp.set_ylabel('Mean Air Temperature ($^\degree$C)')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12b4604e0>

Construct a function to perform parallel supy simulation with specified diff_airtemp_test: the difference in air temperature between the one used in simulation and loaded from sample dataset.

Note: forcing data ``df_forcing`` has different data structure from ``df_state_init``; so we need to modify ``run_supy_mgrids`` to implement a ``run_supy_mclims`` for different climate scenarios

Let’s start the implementation of run_supy_mclims with a small problem of four forcing groups (i.e., climate scenarios), where the air temperatures differ from the baseline scenario with a constant bias.

In [4]:
# save loaded sample datasets
df_forcing_part_test = df_forcing.loc['2012 1':'2012 7'].copy()
df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()
In [5]:
# create a dict with four forcing conditions as a test
n_test = 4
list_TairDiff_test = np.linspace(0., 2, n_test).round(2)
dict_df_forcing_x = {
    tairdiff: df_forcing_part_test.copy()
    for tairdiff in list_TairDiff_test}
for tairdiff in dict_df_forcing_x:
    dict_df_forcing_x[tairdiff].loc[:, 'Tair'] += tairdiff

dd_forcing_x = {
    k: delayed(sp.run_supy)(df, df_state_init_test)[0]
    for k, df in dict_df_forcing_x.items()}

df_res_tairdiff_test0 = delayed(pd.concat)(
In [6]:
# test the performance of a parallel run
t0 = time()
df_res_tairdiff_test = df_res_tairdiff_test0\
    .reset_index('grid', drop=True)
t1 = time()
t_par = t1 - t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 31.86 s
In [7]:
# function for multi-climate `run_supy`
# wrapping the above code into one
def run_supy_mclims(df_state_init, dict_df_forcing_mclims):
    dd_forcing_x = {
        k: delayed(sp.run_supy)(df, df_state_init_test)[0]
        for k, df in dict_df_forcing_x.items()}
    df_output_mclims0 = delayed(pd.concat)(
    df_output_mclims = df_output_mclims0.reset_index('grid', drop=True)

    return df_output_mclims

Construct dict_df_forcing_x with multiple forcing DataFrames

In [23]:
# save loaded sample datasets
df_forcing_part_test = df_forcing.loc['2012 1':'2012 7'].copy()
df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()

# create a dict with a number of forcing conditions
n_test = 24 # can be set with a smaller value to save simulation time
list_TairDiff_test = np.linspace(0., 2, n_test).round(2)
dict_df_forcing_x = {
    tairdiff: df_forcing_part_test.copy()
    for tairdiff in list_TairDiff_test}
for tairdiff in dict_df_forcing_x:
    dict_df_forcing_x[tairdiff].loc[:, 'Tair'] += tairdiff

Perform simulations

In [24]:
# run parallel simulations using `run_supy_mclims`
t0 = time()
df_airtemp_test_x = run_supy_mclims(df_state_init_test, dict_df_forcing_x)
t1 = time()
t_par = t1-t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 126.18 s

Examine the results

In [25]:
df_airtemp_test = df_airtemp_test_x.SUEWS.unstack(0)
df_temp_diff=df_airtemp_test.T2.transform(lambda x: x - df_airtemp_test.T2[0.0])
df_temp_diff_ana=df_temp_diff.loc['2012 7']
df_temp_diff_stat=df_temp_diff_ana.describe().loc[['max', 'mean', 'min']].T
In [26]:
ax_temp_diff_stat.set_ylabel('$\\Delta T_2$ ($^{\\circ}}$C)')
ax_temp_diff_stat.set_xlabel('$\\Delta T_{a}$ ($^{\\circ}}$C)')
In [ ]: