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  2. A good understanding of SUEWS is a prerequisite to the proper use of SuPy.

Interaction between SuPy and external models


SUEWS can be coupled to other models that provide or require forcing data using the SuPy single timestep running mode. We demonstrate this feature with a simple online anthropogenic heat flux model.

Anthropogenic heat flux (\(Q_F\)) is an additional term to the surface energy balance in urban areas associated with human activities (Gabey et al., 2018; Grimmond, 1992; Nie et al., 2014; 2016; Sailor, 2011). In most cities, the largest emission source is from buildings (Hamilton et al., 2009; Iamarino et al., 2011; Sailor, 2011) and is highly dependent on outdoor ambient air temperature.

load necessary packages

import supy as sp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline
# sp.show_version()

run SUEWS with default settings

# load sample run dataset
df_state_init, df_forcing = sp.load_SampleData()
# turn off the snow module as unnecessary at the sample site
df_state_init.loc[:, "snowuse"] = 0

# copy `df_state_init` as the basis for later simulations
df_state_init_def = df_state_init.copy()

# by default, two years of forcing data are included;
# to save running time for demonstration, we only use one year in this demo
df_forcing = df_forcing.loc["2012"].iloc[1:]

# set QF as zero for later comparison
df_forcing_def = df_forcing.copy()
grid = df_state_init_def.index[0]
df_state_init_def.loc[:, "emissionsmethod"] = 0
df_forcing_def["qf"] = 0

# run supy
df_output, df_state = sp.run_supy(df_forcing_def, df_state_init_def)
df_output_def = df_output.loc[grid, "SUEWS"]
2020-07-06 10:55:01,875 - SuPy - INFO - All cache cleared.
2020-07-06 10:55:05,017 - SuPy - INFO - ====================
2020-07-06 10:55:05,018 - SuPy - INFO - Simulation period:
2020-07-06 10:55:05,019 - SuPy - INFO -   Start: 2012-01-01 00:05:00
2020-07-06 10:55:05,019 - SuPy - INFO -   End: 2012-12-31 23:55:00
2020-07-06 10:55:05,020 - SuPy - INFO -
2020-07-06 10:55:05,021 - SuPy - INFO - No. of grids: 1
2020-07-06 10:55:05,021 - SuPy - INFO - SuPy is running in serial mode
2020-07-06 10:55:20,390 - SuPy - INFO - Execution time: 15.4 s
2020-07-06 10:55:20,391 - SuPy - INFO - ====================

a simple QF model: QF_simple

model description

For demonstration purposes we have created a very simple model instead of using the SUEWS \(Q_F\) (Järvi et al. 2011) with feedback from outdoor air temperature. The simple \(Q_F\) model considers only building heating and cooling:

\[\begin{split}Q_F=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (T_2-T_C)\times C_B,\;T_2 > T_C\\ (T_H-T_2)\times H_B,\;T_2 < T_H\\ Q_{F0} \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]

where \(T_C\) (\(T_H\)) is the cooling (heating) threshold temperature of buildings, \(𝐶_B\) (\(𝐻_B\)) is the building cooling (heating) rate, and \(𝑄_{F0}\) is the baseline anthropogenic heat. The parameters used are: \(𝑇_C\) (\(𝑇_H\)) set as 20 °C (10 °C), \(𝐶_B\) (\(𝐻_B\)) set as 1.5 \(\mathrm{W\ m^{-2}\ K^{-1}}\) (3 \(\mathrm{W\ m^{-2}\ K^{-1}}\)) and \(Q_{F0}\) is set as 0 \(\mathrm{W\ m^{-2}}\), implying other building activities (e.g. lighting, water heating, computers) are zero and therefore do not change the temperature or change with temperature.


def QF_simple(T2):
    qf_cooling = (T2-20)*5 if T2 > 20 else 0
    qf_heating = (10-T2)*10 if T2 < 10 else 0
    qf_res = np.max([qf_heating, qf_cooling])*0.3
    return qf_res

Visualise the QF_simple model:

ser_temp = pd.Series(np.arange(-5, 45, 0.5),
                     index=np.arange(-5, 45, 0.5)).rename('temp_C')
ser_qf_heating = ser_temp.loc[-5:10].map(QF_simple).rename(
    r'heating:$(T_H-T_a) \times H_B$')
ser_qf_cooling = ser_temp.loc[20:45].map(QF_simple).rename(
    r'cooling: $(T_a-T_C) \times C_B$')
ser_qf_zero = ser_temp.loc[10:20].map(QF_simple).rename('baseline: $Q_{F0}$')
df_temp_qf = pd.concat([ser_temp, ser_qf_cooling, ser_qf_heating, ser_qf_zero],
ax_qf_func = df_temp_qf.plot()
_=ax_qf_func.set_xlabel('$T_2$ ($^\circ$C)')
_=ax_qf_func.set_ylabel('$Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)')
_=ax_qf_func.legend(title='simple $Q_F$')
    xy=(20, 0),
    xytext=(25, 5),

    xy=(10, 0),
    xytext=(5, 5),
    "slope: $C_B$",
    xy=(30, QF_simple(30)),
    xytext=(20, 20),
        connectionstyle='arc3, rad=0.3',
    "slope: $H_B$",
    xy=(5, QF_simple(5)),
    xytext=(10, 20),
        connectionstyle='arc3, rad=-0.3',
_=ax_qf_func.plot(10, 0, 'o', color='C1', fillstyle='none')
_ = ax_qf_func.plot(20, 0, 'o', color='C0', fillstyle='none')

communication between supy and QF_simple

construct a new coupled function

The coupling between the simple \(Q_F\) model and SuPy is done via the low-level function suews_cal_tstep, which is an interface function in charge of communications between SuPy frontend and the calculation kernel. By setting SuPy to receive external \(Q_F\) as forcing, at each timestep, the simple \(Q_F\) model is driven by the SuPy output \(T_2\) and provides SuPy with \(Q_F\), which thus forms a two-way coupled loop.

# load extra low-level functions from supy to construct interactive functions
from supy._post import pack_df_output, pack_df_state
from supy._run import suews_cal_tstep, pack_grid_dict

def run_supy_qf(df_forcing_test, df_state_init_test):
    grid = df_state_init_test.index[0]
    df_state_init_test.loc[grid, 'emissionsmethod'] = 0

    df_forcing_test = df_forcing_test\
            # remanae is a workaround to resolve naming inconsistency between
            # suews fortran code interface and input forcing file headers
                '%' + 'iy': 'iy',
                'id': 'id',
                'it': 'it',
                'imin': 'imin',
                'qn': 'qn1_obs',
                'qh': 'qh_obs',
                'qe': 'qe',
                'qs': 'qs_obs',
                'qf': 'qf_obs',
                'U': 'avu1',
                'RH': 'avrh',
                'Tair': 'temp_c',
                'pres': 'press_hpa',
                'rain': 'precip',
                'kdown': 'avkdn',
                'snow': 'snowfrac_obs',
                'ldown': 'ldown_obs',
                'fcld': 'fcld_obs',
                'Wuh': 'wu_m3',
                'xsmd': 'xsmd',
                'lai': 'lai_obs',
                'kdiff': 'kdiff',
                'kdir': 'kdir',
                'wdir': 'wdir',

    t2_ext = df_forcing_test.iloc[0].temp_c
    qf_ext = QF_simple(t2_ext)

    # initialise dicts for holding results
    dict_state = {}
    dict_output = {}

    # starting tstep
    t_start = df_forcing_test.index[0]
    # convert df to dict with `itertuples` for better performance
    dict_forcing = {
        row.Index: row._asdict()
        for row in df_forcing_test.itertuples()
    # dict_state is used to save model states for later use
    dict_state = {(t_start, grid): pack_grid_dict(series_state_init)
                  for grid, series_state_init in df_state_init_test.iterrows()}

    # just use a single grid run for the test coupling
    for tstep in df_forcing_test.index:
        # load met forcing at `tstep`
        met_forcing_tstep = dict_forcing[tstep]
        # inject `qf_ext` to `met_forcing_tstep`
        met_forcing_tstep['qf_obs'] = qf_ext

        # update model state
        dict_state_start = dict_state[(tstep, grid)]

        dict_state_end, dict_output_tstep = suews_cal_tstep(
            dict_state_start, met_forcing_tstep)
        # the fourth to the last is `T2` stored in the result array
        t2_ext = dict_output_tstep['dataoutlinesuews'][-4]
        qf_ext = QF_simple(t2_ext)

        dict_output.update({(tstep, grid): dict_output_tstep})
        dict_state.update({(tstep + tstep.freq, grid): dict_state_end})

    # pack results as easier DataFrames
    df_output_test = pack_df_output(dict_output).swaplevel(0, 1)
    df_state_test = pack_df_state(dict_state).swaplevel(0, 1)
    return df_output_test.loc[grid, 'SUEWS'], df_state_test

simulations for summer and winter months

The simulation using SuPy coupled is performed for London 2012. The data analysed are a summer (July) and a winter (December) month. Initially \(Q_F\) is 0 \(\mathrm{W\ m^{-2}}\) the \(T_2\) is determined and used to determine \(Q_{F[1]}\) which in turn modifies \(T_{2[1]}\) and therefore modifies \(Q_{F[2]}\) and the diagnosed \(T_{2[2]}\).

spin-up run (January to June) for summer simulation

df_output_june, df_state_jul = sp.run_supy(
    df_forcing.loc[:'2012 6'], df_state_init)
2020-07-06 10:55:20,909 - SuPy - INFO - ====================
2020-07-06 10:55:20,909 - SuPy - INFO - Simulation period:
2020-07-06 10:55:20,910 - SuPy - INFO -   Start: 2012-01-01 00:05:00
2020-07-06 10:55:20,911 - SuPy - INFO -   End: 2012-06-30 23:55:00
2020-07-06 10:55:20,911 - SuPy - INFO -
2020-07-06 10:55:20,912 - SuPy - INFO - No. of grids: 1
2020-07-06 10:55:20,913 - SuPy - INFO - SuPy is running in serial mode
2020-07-06 10:55:27,168 - SuPy - INFO - Execution time: 6.3 s
2020-07-06 10:55:27,169 - SuPy - INFO - ====================

spin-up run (July to October) for winter simulation

df_output_oct, df_state_dec = sp.run_supy(
    df_forcing.loc['2012 7':'2012 11'], df_state_jul)
2020-07-06 10:55:27,176 - SuPy - INFO - ====================
2020-07-06 10:55:27,177 - SuPy - INFO - Simulation period:
2020-07-06 10:55:27,178 - SuPy - INFO -   Start: 2012-07-01 00:00:00
2020-07-06 10:55:27,179 - SuPy - INFO -   End: 2012-11-30 23:55:00
2020-07-06 10:55:27,179 - SuPy - INFO -
2020-07-06 10:55:27,180 - SuPy - INFO - No. of grids: 1
2020-07-06 10:55:27,181 - SuPy - INFO - SuPy is running in serial mode
2020-07-06 10:55:33,139 - SuPy - INFO - Execution time: 6.0 s
2020-07-06 10:55:33,140 - SuPy - INFO - ====================

coupled simulation

df_output_test_summer, df_state_summer_test = run_supy_qf(
    df_forcing.loc["2012-07"], df_state_jul.copy()
df_output_test_winter, df_state_winter_test = run_supy_qf(
    df_forcing.loc["2012-12"], df_state_dec.copy()

examine the results


var = "QF"
var_label = "$Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)"
var_label_right = "$\Delta Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)"
period = "2012-07"
df_test = df_output_test_summer
y1 = df_test.loc[period, var].rename("qf_simple")
y2 = df_output_def.loc[period, var].rename("suews")
y3 = (y1 - y2).rename("diff")
df_plot = pd.concat([y1, y2, y3], axis=1)
ax = df_plot.plot(secondary_y="diff")
_ = ax.set_ylabel(var_label)
_ = ax.right_ax.set_ylabel(var_label_right)
lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines()
_ = ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc="best")
var = "T2"
var_label = "$T_2$ ($^{\circ}$C)"
var_label_right = "$\Delta T_2$ ($^{\circ}$C)"
period = "2012-07"
df_test = df_output_test_summer
y1 = df_test.loc[period, var].rename("qf_simple")
y2 = df_output_def.loc[period, var].rename("suews")
y3 = (y1 - y2).rename("diff")
df_plot = pd.concat([y1, y2, y3], axis=1)
ax = df_plot.plot(secondary_y="diff")
_ = ax.set_ylabel(var_label)
_ = ax.right_ax.set_ylabel(var_label_right)
lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines()
_ = ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc="best")


var = "QF"
var_label = "$Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)"
var_label_right = "$\Delta Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)"
period = "2012 12"
df_test = df_output_test_winter
y1 = df_test.loc[period, var].rename("qf_simple")
y2 = df_output_def.loc[period, var].rename("suews")
y3 = (y1 - y2).rename("diff")
df_plot = pd.concat([y1, y2, y3], axis=1)
ax = df_plot.plot(secondary_y="diff")
_ = ax.set_ylabel(var_label)
_ = ax.right_ax.set_ylabel(var_label_right)
lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines()
_ = ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc="best")
var = "T2"
var_label = "$T_2$ ($^{\circ}$C)"
var_label_right = "$\Delta T_2$ ($^{\circ}$C)"
period = "2012 12"
df_test = df_output_test_winter
y1 = df_test.loc[period, var].rename("qf_simple")
y2 = df_output_def.loc[period, var].rename("suews")
y3 = (y1 - y2).rename("diff")
df_plot = pd.concat([y1, y2, y3], axis=1)
ax = df_plot.plot(secondary_y="diff")
_ = ax.set_ylabel(var_label)
_ = ax.right_ax.set_ylabel(var_label_right)
lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines()
_ = ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc="center right")

comparison in \(\Delta Q_F\)-\(\Delta T2\) feedback between summer and winter

# filter results using `where` to choose periods when `QF_simple` is effective
# (i.e. activated by outdoor air temperatures)
df_diff_summer = (
    (df_output_test_summer - df_output_def)
    .where(df_output_def.T2 > 20, np.nan)
    .dropna(how="all", axis=0)
df_diff_winter = (
    (df_output_test_winter - df_output_def)
    .where(df_output_test_winter.T2 < 10, np.nan)
    .dropna(how="all", axis=0)

df_diff_season = pd.concat(
    [df_diff_winter.assign(season="winter"), df_diff_summer.assign(season="summer"),]
).loc[:, ["season", "QF", "T2"]]
g = sns.lmplot(
    scatter_kws={"s": 1, "zorder": 0, "alpha": 0.8,},
    line_kws={"zorder": 6, "linestyle": "--"},
_ = g.set_axis_labels(
    "$\Delta Q_F$ ($ \mathrm{W \ m^{-2}}$)", "$\Delta T_2$ ($^{\circ}$C)",
_ =
_ = g.despine(top=False, right=False)

The above figure indicates a positive feedback, as \(Q_F\) is increased there is an elevated \(T_2\) but with different magnitudes given the non-linearlity in the SUEWS modelling system. Of particular note is the positive feedback loop under warm air temperatures: the anthropogenic heat emissions increase which in turn elevates the outdoor air temperature causing yet more anthropogenic heat release. Note that London is relatively cool so the enhancement is much less than it would be in warmer cities.