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Impact Studies Using SuPy¶


In this tutorial, we aim to perform sensitivity analysis using supy in a parallel mode to investigate the impacts on urban climate of

  1. surface properties: the physical attributes of land covers (e.g., albedo, water holding capacity, etc.)

  2. background climate: longterm meteorological conditions (e.g., air temperature, precipitation, etc.)

load supy and sample dataset¶

from dask import dataframe as dd
import supy as sp

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from time import time

/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/mambaforge/base/envs/supy/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/ FutureWarning: In a future version, the Index constructor will not infer numeric dtypes when passed object-dtype sequences (matching Series behavior)
  key_col = Index(lvals).where(~mask_left, rvals)
# load sample datasets
df_state_init, df_forcing = sp.load_SampleData()

# by default, two years of forcing data are included;
# to save running time for demonstration, we only use one year in this demo

# perform an example run to get output samples for later use
df_output, df_state_final = sp.run_supy(df_forcing, df_state_init)

2022-06-15 21:25:48,325 - SuPy - INFO - All cache cleared.
2022-06-15 21:25:49,399 - SuPy - INFO - ====================
2022-06-15 21:25:49,399 - SuPy - INFO - Simulation period:
2022-06-15 21:25:49,400 - SuPy - INFO -   Start: 2012-01-01 00:05:00
2022-06-15 21:25:49,400 - SuPy - INFO -   End: 2012-12-31 23:55:00
2022-06-15 21:25:49,400 - SuPy - INFO -
2022-06-15 21:25:49,401 - SuPy - INFO - No. of grids: 1
2022-06-15 21:25:49,401 - SuPy - INFO - SuPy is running in serial mode
2022-06-15 21:25:54,675 - SuPy - INFO - Execution time: 5.3 s
2022-06-15 21:25:54,676 - SuPy - INFO - ====================

Surface properties: surface albedo¶

Examine the default albedo values loaded from the sample dataset¶

ind_dim (0,) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (5,) (6,)
1 0.1 0.12 0.1 0.18 0.21 0.18 0.1

Copy the initial condition DataFrame to have a clean slate for our study¶

Note: DataFrame.copy() defaults to deepcopy

df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()

Set the Bldg land cover to 100% for this study¶

df_state_init_test.sfr_surf = 0
df_state_init_test.loc[:, ('sfr_surf', '(1,)')] = 1

ind_dim (0,) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (5,) (6,)
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Construct a df_state_init_x dataframe to perform supy simulations with specified albedo¶

# create a `df_state_init_x` with different surface properties
n_test = 48
list_alb_test = np.linspace(0.1, 0.8, n_test).round(2)
df_state_init_x = df_state_init_test.append(
    [df_state_init_test]*(n_test-1), ignore_index=True)

# here we modify surface albedo
df_state_init_x.loc[:, ('alb', '(1,)')] = list_alb_test

Conduct simulations with supy¶

df_forcing_part = df_forcing.loc["2012 01":"2012 07"]
df_res_alb_test, df_state_final_x = sp.run_supy(

Examine the simulation results¶

# choose results of July 2012 for analysis
df_res_alb_test_july = df_res_alb_test.SUEWS.unstack(0).loc["2012 7"]
df_res_alb_T2_stat = df_res_alb_test_july.T2.describe()
df_res_alb_T2_diff = df_res_alb_T2_stat.transform(
    lambda x: x - df_res_alb_T2_stat.iloc[:, 0]
df_res_alb_T2_diff.columns = list_alb_test - list_alb_test[0]
ax_temp_diff = df_res_alb_T2_diff.loc[["max", "mean", "min"]].T.plot()
_ = ax_temp_diff.set_ylabel("$\Delta T_2$ ($^{\circ}}$C)")
_ = ax_temp_diff.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta\alpha$")
ax_temp_diff.margins(x=0.2, y=0.2)

Background climate: air temperature¶

Examine the monthly climatology of air temperature loaded from the sample dataset¶

df_plot = df_forcing.Tair.loc["2012"].resample("1m").mean()
ax_temp ="tab:blue")
_ = ax_temp.set_xticklabels(df_plot.index.strftime("%b"))
_ = ax_temp.set_ylabel("Mean Air Temperature ($^\degree$C)")
_ = ax_temp.set_xlabel("Month")

Construct a function to perform parallel supy simulations with specified diff_airtemp_test: the difference in air temperature between the one used in simulation and loaded from sample dataset.¶


forcing data df_forcing has different data structure from df_state_init; so we need to modify run_supy_mgrids to implement a run_supy_mclims for different climate scenarios*

Let’s start the implementation of run_supy_mclims with a small problem of four forcing groups (i.e., climate scenarios), where the air temperatures differ from the baseline scenario with a constant bias.

# save loaded sample datasets
df_forcing_part_test = df_forcing.loc['2012 1':'2012 7'].copy()
df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()
from dask import delayed
# create a dict with four forcing conditions as a test
n_test = 4
list_TairDiff_test = np.linspace(0., 2, n_test).round(2)
dict_df_forcing_x = {
    tairdiff: df_forcing_part_test.copy()
    for tairdiff in list_TairDiff_test}
for tairdiff in dict_df_forcing_x:
    dict_df_forcing_x[tairdiff].loc[:, 'Tair'] += tairdiff

dd_forcing_x = {
    k: delayed(sp.run_supy)(df, df_state_init_test,logging_level=90)[0]
    for k, df in dict_df_forcing_x.items()}

df_res_tairdiff_test0 = delayed(pd.concat)(
# test the performance of a parallel run
t0 = time()
df_res_tairdiff_test = df_res_tairdiff_test0\
    .reset_index('grid', drop=True)
t1 = time()
t_par = t1 - t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 12.16 s
# function for multi-climate `run_supy`
# wrapping the above code into one
def run_supy_mclims(df_state_init, dict_df_forcing_mclims):
    dd_forcing_x = {
        k: delayed(sp.run_supy)(df, df_state_init_test,logging_level=90)[0]
        for k, df in dict_df_forcing_x.items()}
    df_output_mclims0 = delayed(pd.concat)(
    df_output_mclims = df_output_mclims0.reset_index('grid', drop=True)

    return df_output_mclims

Construct dict_df_forcing_x with multiple forcing DataFrames¶

# save loaded sample datasets
df_forcing_part_test = df_forcing.loc['2012 1':'2012 7'].copy()
df_state_init_test = df_state_init.copy()

# create a dict with a number of forcing conditions
n_test = 12 # can be set with a smaller value to save simulation time
list_TairDiff_test = np.linspace(0., 2, n_test).round(2)
dict_df_forcing_x = {
    tairdiff: df_forcing_part_test.copy()
    for tairdiff in list_TairDiff_test}
for tairdiff in dict_df_forcing_x:
    dict_df_forcing_x[tairdiff].loc[:, 'Tair'] += tairdiff

Perform simulations¶

# run parallel simulations using `run_supy_mclims`
t0 = time()
df_airtemp_test_x = run_supy_mclims(df_state_init_test, dict_df_forcing_x)
t1 = time()
t_par = t1-t0
print(f'Execution time: {t_par:.2f} s')
Execution time: 35.35 s

Examine the results¶

df_airtemp_test = df_airtemp_test_x.SUEWS.unstack(0)
df_temp_diff = df_airtemp_test.T2.transform(lambda x: x - df_airtemp_test.T2[0.0])
df_temp_diff_ana = df_temp_diff.loc["2012 7"]
df_temp_diff_stat = df_temp_diff_ana.describe().loc[["max", "mean", "min"]].T
_=ax_temp_diff_stat.set_ylabel('$\\Delta T_2$ ($^{\\circ}}$C)')
_=ax_temp_diff_stat.set_xlabel('$\\Delta T_{a}$ ($^{\\circ}}$C)')

The \(T_{2}\) results indicate the increased \(T_{a}\) has different impacts on the \(T_{2}\) metrics (minimum, mean and maximum) but all increase linearly with \(T_{a}.\) The maximum \(T_{2}\) has the stronger response compared to the other metrics.