Source code for supy.util._wrf

# WRF-SUEWS related utilities
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from .._load import load_SUEWS_nml
from pathlib import Path
from floweaver import *

dict_modis_20 = {
    1:	'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest',
    2:	'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest',
    3:	'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest',
    4:	'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest',
    5:	'Mixed Forests',
    6:	'Closed Shrublands',
    7:	'Open Shrublands',
    8:	'Woody Savannas',
    9:	'Savannas',
    10:	'Grasslands',
    11:	'Permanent Wetlands',
    12:	'Croplands',
    13:	'Urban and Built-Up',
    14:	'Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic',
    15:	'Snow and Ice',
    16:	'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated',
    17:	'Water',
    18:	'Wooded Tundra',
    19:	'Mixed Tundra',
    20:	'Barren Tundra',

list_cat_suews = [
    # built-up
    'Paved', 'Bldgs',
    # vegetated
    'EveTr', 'DecTr', 'Grass',
    # soil
    # water
    # not-used

[docs]def extract_reclassification(path_nml: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract reclassification info from `path_nml` as a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- path_nml : str Path to `namelist.suews` Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Reclassification DataFrame with rows for WRF land covers while columns for SUEWS. """ df_lc = load_SUEWS_nml(path_nml).landuse ser_cat_suews = pd.Series(list_cat_suews, name='lc_suews') df_ind = pd.DataFrame(df_lc.loc['suews_cat_ind'], columns=ser_cat_suews) df_frac = pd.DataFrame(df_lc.loc['suews_cat_frac'], columns=ser_cat_suews) df_rcl = pd.concat([df_ind, df_frac], axis=1, keys=['lc_wrf', 'frac']) df_rcl = df_rcl.stack(-1).reset_index('lc_suews') df_rcl = df_rcl.pivot_table( index='lc_wrf', columns='lc_suews', values='frac') df_rcl = df_rcl.drop(-999, axis=0) df_rcl = df_rcl.drop(list_cat_suews[-1], axis=1) df_rcl = df_rcl.replace(np.nan, 0) df_rcl = df_rcl.rename(dict_modis_20, axis=0) return df_rcl
def gen_df_sankey(path_nml: str): # load reclassification data df_rcl = extract_reclassification(path_nml) # create flow data df_flow = df_rcl.T.reset_index().melt( id_vars=['lc_suews'], value_name='frac') df_flow = df_flow.rename( { 'lc_suews': 'target', 'lc_wrf': 'source', 'frac': 'value' }, axis=1) # label conversion types def cat_type(x: str) -> str: if x in ['Bldgs', 'Paved']: return 'Built-up' elif x in ['DecTr', 'EveTr', 'Grass']: return 'Vegetated' else: return x df_flow['type'] = # create process data df_process = df_flow.loc[df_flow.value > 0.1] df_process = pd.concat([ df_process[['target', 'type']].rename({'target': 'id'}, axis=1), df_process[['source', 'type']].rename({'source': 'id'}, axis=1), ], sort=False) df_process = df_process.drop_duplicates().groupby('id').first() df_process['name'] = df_process.index return df_flow, df_process def in_ipynb(): try: cfg = get_ipython().has_trait('kernel') if cfg: return True else: return False except NameError: return False
[docs]def plot_reclassification(path_nml: str, path_save='LC-WRF-SUEWS.png', width=800, height=360, top=10, bottom=10, left=260, right=60): """Produce Sankey Diagram to visualise the reclassification specified in `path_nml` Parameters ---------- path_nml : str Path to `namelist.suews` path_save : str, optional Path to save Sankey diagram, by default 'LC-WRF-SUEWS.png' width : int, optional Width of diagram, by default 800 height : int, optional Height of diagram, by default 360 top : int, optional Top margin of diagram, by default 10 bottom : int, optional Bottom margin of diagram, by default 10 left : int, optional Left margin of diagram, by default 260 right : int, optional Right margin of diagram, by default 60 Returns ------- Sankey Diagram Sankey Diagram showing the reclassification. """ # derive DataFrames required by Sankey df_flow, df_process = gen_df_sankey(path_nml) # set the default size to fit the documentation better. size = dict(width=width, height=height) margins = dict(top=top, bottom=bottom, left=left, right=right) # create Sankey data dataset = Dataset(df_flow, dim_process=df_process) # SUEWS LCs list_suews = # WRF LCs list_wrf = df_flow.source.unique().tolist() list_type = df_flow.type.unique().tolist() # LC types lc_by_type = Partition.Simple('type', list_type) nodes = { 'SUEWS': ProcessGroup(list_suews), 'WRF': ProcessGroup(list_wrf), } nodes['SUEWS'].partition = Partition.Simple('process', list_cat_suews) nodes['WRF'].partition = Partition.Simple('process', list_wrf) nodes['type'] = Waypoint(lc_by_type) ordering = [ ['WRF'], # put "WRF" on the left... ['type'], # put "type" on the left... ['SUEWS'], # ... and "SUEWS" on the right. ] bundles = [ Bundle('WRF', 'SUEWS', waypoints=['type']), ] # Set the colours for the labels in the partition. palette = { 'Built-up': 'slategrey', 'Bsoil': 'tan', 'Vegetated': 'forestgreen', 'Water': 'royalblue' } sdd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering, flow_partition=lc_by_type) data_sankey = weave(sdd, dataset, palette=palette) sankey = data_sankey.to_widget(**size, margins=margins) if in_ipynb(): path_save = Path(path_save) suffix = path_save.suffix if suffix == 'png': print('Saving figure in png:') sankey.auto_save_png(path_save) elif suffix == 'svg': print('Saving figure in svg:') sankey.auto_save_svg(path_save) else: print('Saving figure in png: ') sankey.auto_save_png(path_save) print(path_save.resolve()) else: print('Please run this function in Jupyter notebook for visualisation.') return sankey