Source code for supy.util._era5

# suppress pandas warnings

from supy_driver import meteo
from supy_driver import atmmoiststab_module as stab
import os
from .._env import logger_supy
from numpy import cos, deg2rad, sin, sqrt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import time
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

# more ERA-5 related functions

# utility functions
def roundPartial(value, resolution):
    return round(value / resolution) * resolution

"""Geopotential Functions on WGS84 Reference Ellipsoid

This module contains code for converting Geopotential to Geometric and vice-versa on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid

ERA-5 utility functions from Chris Roth


Rmax_WGS84 = 6378137
Rmin_WGS84 = Rmax_WGS84 * (1 - 1 / 298.257223563)

def _geoid_radius(latitude: float) -> float:
    """Calculates the GEOID radius at a given latitude

    latitude : float
        Latitude (degrees)

    R : float
        GEOID Radius (meters)
    lat = deg2rad(latitude)
    return sqrt(1 / (cos(lat) ** 2 / Rmax_WGS84 ** 2 + sin(lat) ** 2 / Rmin_WGS84 ** 2))

def geometric2geopotential(z: float, latitude: float) -> float:
    """Converts geometric height to geopotential height

    z : float
        Geometric height (meters)
    latitude : float
        Latitude (degrees)

    h : float
        Geopotential Height (meters) above the reference ellipsoid
    twolat = deg2rad(2 * latitude)
    g = 9.80616 * (1 - 0.002637 * cos(twolat) + 0.0000059 * cos(twolat) ** 2)
    re = _geoid_radius(latitude)
    return z * g * re / (re + z)

def geopotential2geometric(h: float, latitude: float) -> float:
    """Converts geopotential height to geometric height

    h : float
        Geopotential height (meters)
    latitude : float
        Latitude (degrees)

    z : float
        Geometric Height (meters) above the reference ellipsoid
    twolat = deg2rad(2 * latitude)
    g = 9.80616 * (1 - 0.002637 * cos(twolat) + 0.0000059 * cos(twolat) ** 2)
    re = _geoid_radius(latitude)
    return h * re / (g * re - h)

# functions to interpolate the atmospheric variables to a specified height/altitude
def get_ser_val_alt(lat: float, lon: float, da_alt_x, da_alt, da_val,) -> pd.Series:
    """interpolate atmospheric variable to a specified altitude

    lat : float
        latitude of specified site
    lon : float
        longitude of specified site
        desired altitude to interpolate variable at
        altitude associated with `da_val`: variable array to interpolate
        atmospheric variable to interpolate

        interpolated values at the specified altitude of site positioned by [`lat`, `lon`]
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    alt_t_1d = da_alt.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest")
    val_t_1d = da_val.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest")
    alt_x = da_alt_x.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest")[0]
    val_alt = np.array(
        [interp1d(alt_1d, val_1d)(alt_x) for alt_1d, val_1d in zip(alt_t_1d, val_t_1d)]
    ser_alt = pd.Series(val_alt, index=da_val.time.values,,)
    return ser_alt

def get_df_val_alt(lat: float, lon: float, da_alt_meas, ds_val):
    """interpolate atmospheric variables to a specified altitude

    lat : float
        latitude of specified site
    lon : float
        longitude of specified site
        desired altitude to interpolate variable at
        altitude associated with `da_val`: variable array to interpolate
        atmospheric varialble to interpolate

        interpolated values at the specified altitude of site positioned by [`lat`, `lon`]
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    da_alt = geopotential2geometric(ds_val.z, ds_val.latitude)
    # generate pressure series for grid x
    da_alt_x = da_alt.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest")
    alt_meas_x = da_alt_meas.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest")[0]

    val_pres = np.array([interp1d(alt, da_alt_x.level)(alt_meas_x) for alt in da_alt_x])
    df_val_alt = pd.concat(
            get_ser_val_alt(lat, lon, da_alt_meas, da_alt, ds_val[var])
            for var in ds_val.data_vars
    #     add pressure
    df_val_alt["p"] = val_pres
    df_val_alt.index = df_val_alt.index.set_names("time")
    df_val_alt.columns = df_val_alt.columns.set_names("var")

    return df_val_alt

# cds download related functions
def gen_dict_dt(dt_index):
    list_key = ["year", "month", "day", "time"]
    list_fmt = ["%Y", "%m", "%d", "%H:%M"]
    dict_dt = {
        k: dt_index.dt.strftime(fmt).unique().tolist()
        for k, fmt in zip(list_key, list_fmt)
    return dict_dt

def gen_dict_dt_sub(dt_index):
    # divide by [year, month] for surface level data
    ser_dict_sub = dt_index.groupby(dt_index.dt.strftime("%Y%m")).apply(gen_dict_dt)
    dict_sub = ser_dict_sub.unstack().T.to_dict()
    return dict_sub

# generate filename
def gen_fn(dict_x):
    lat_x, lon_x = dict_x["area"][:2]
    yr_x = dict_x["year"][0]
    mon_x = dict_x["month"][0]
    type_x = "sfc" if "orography" in dict_x["variable"] else "ml"
    lat_x = f"{lat_x}N" if lat_x > 0 else f"{-lat_x}S"
    lon_x = f"{lon_x}E" if lon_x > 0 else f"{-lon_x}W"
    fn_x = f"{lat_x}{lon_x}-{yr_x}{mon_x}-{type_x}.nc"
    return fn_x

# dict_x: a dict describing download elements
def gen_dict_proc(dict_x):
    type_x = "sfc" if "orography" in dict_x["variable"] else "ml"
    dict_feed = {
        "sfc": "reanalysis-era5-single-levels",
        "ml": "reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels",
    feed_x = dict_feed[type_x]
    dict_proc = dict(name=feed_x, request=dict_x, target=gen_fn(dict_x),)

    return dict_proc

list_var_sfc = [

list_var_ml = [
    #     'relative_humidity',

list_pres_level = [

# generate a dict of reqs kwargs for (lat_x,lon_x) spanning [start, end]

def gen_req_sfc(lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0):
    """generate a dict of reqs kwargs for (lat_x,lon_x) spanning [start, end]

    lat_x : [type]
    lon_x : [type]
    start : [type]
    end : [type]
    grid : list, optional
        [description] (the default is [0.125, 0.125], which [default_description])
    scale : int, optional
        [description] (the default is 0, which [default_description])


    >>> gen_req_sfc(28, 116, '2015-01', '2015-01-31 23', grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0)


    # scale is a factor to rescale grid size
    size = grid[0] * scale
    # generate pd.Series for timestamps
    ser_datetime = pd.date_range(start, end, freq="1h").to_series()
    # surface requests
    lat_c, lon_c = (roundPartial(x, grid[0]) for x in [lat_x, lon_x])
    area = [lat_c + size, lon_c - size, lat_c - size, lon_c + size]
    dict_req_sfc = {
        "variable": list_var_sfc,
        "product_type": "reanalysis",
        "area": area,
        "grid": grid,
        "format": "netcdf",
    list_dict_req_sfc = [
        {**dict_req_sfc, **dict_dt}
        for dict_dt in list(gen_dict_dt_sub(ser_datetime).values())
    dict_req_sfc = {
        gen_fn(dict_req): gen_dict_proc(dict_req) for dict_req in list_dict_req_sfc
    return dict_req_sfc

def sel_list_pres(ds_sfc_x):
    select proper levels for model level data download
    p_min, p_max = ds_sfc_x.sp.min().values, ds_sfc_x.sp.max().values

    # adjust p_max (p_min) if level for p_max (p_min) is already below (above) that of 1000 (975) hPa
    p_max = p_max if p_max < 1000e2 else 1000e2 - 1
    p_min = p_min if p_min < 900e2 else 900e2 + 1

    list_pres_level = [
    ser_pres_level = pd.Series(list_pres_level).map(int) * 100
    pos_lev_max, pos_lev_min = (
        ser_pres_level[ser_pres_level > p_max].idxmin(),
        ser_pres_level[ser_pres_level < p_min].idxmax(),
    list_pres_sel = ser_pres_level.loc[pos_lev_min:pos_lev_max] / 100
    list_pres_sel =
    return list_pres_sel

# for each sfc data file, determine the necessary vertical levels to model level data download
def gen_req_ml(fn_sfc, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0):
    import xarray as xr

    ds_sfc_x = xr.load_dataset(fn_sfc)
    list_pres_sel = sel_list_pres(ds_sfc_x)
    size = grid[0] * scale
    lat_x, lon_x = ds_sfc_x.latitude.values[0], ds_sfc_x.longitude.values[0]
    lat_c, lon_c = (roundPartial(x, grid[0]) for x in [lat_x, lon_x])
    area = [lat_c + size, lon_c - size, lat_c - size, lon_c + size]
    idx_time = ds_sfc_x.time.to_pandas()
    dict_dt = list(gen_dict_dt_sub(idx_time).values())[0]
    # model level requests
    dict_req_ml = {
        "variable": list_var_ml,
        "product_type": "reanalysis",
        "area": area,
        "grid": grid,
        "format": "netcdf",
    dict_req_ml.update({"level": list_pres_sel})
    dict_req_ml = {gen_fn(dict_req_ml): gen_dict_proc(dict_req_ml)}

    # close nc files
    # ds_sfc_x.close()

    return dict_req_ml

def download_cds(fn, dict_req):
    import cdsapi
    import tempfile

    c = cdsapi.Client()
    path_fn = Path(fn)
    if path_fn.exists():
        logger_supy.warning(f"{fn} exists!")
    else:"To download: {fn}")

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
            # this will download the file to a secure temporary directory without requirement for extra permission
            # move the downloaded file to desired location
            # hold on a bit for the next request

[docs]def download_era5( lat_x: float, lon_x: float, start: str, end: str, dir_save=Path("."), grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0, ) -> dict: """Generate ERA-5 cdsapi-based requests and download data for area of interests. Parameters ---------- lat_x : float Latitude of centre at the area of interest. lon_x : float Longitude of centre at the area of interest. start : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()`. end : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()`. grid : list, optional grid size used in CDS request API, by default [0.125, 0.125]. scale : int, optional scaling factor that determines the area of interest (i.e., `area=grid[0]*scale`), by default 0. dir_save: Path or path-like string path to directory for saving downloaded ERA5 netCDF files. Returns ------- dict key: name of downloaded file. value: CDS API request used for downloading the file named by the corresponding key. Note ---- This function uses CDS API to download ERA5 data; follow this for configuration first: """ # generate requests for surface level data dict_req_sfc = gen_req_sfc(lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0,) # parse and create (if needed) the saving directory path_dir_save = Path(dir_save).expanduser().resolve() if not path_dir_save.exists(): path_dir_save.mkdir(parents=True) for fn_sfc, dict_req in dict_req_sfc.items(): download_cds(path_dir_save / fn_sfc, dict_req) dict_req_ml = {} for fn_sfc in dict_req_sfc.keys(): dict_req = gen_req_ml(path_dir_save / fn_sfc, grid, scale) dict_req_ml.update(dict_req) for fn_ml, dict_req in dict_req_ml.items(): download_cds(path_dir_save / fn_ml, dict_req) dict_req_all = {**dict_req_sfc, **dict_req_ml} dict_req_all = { str(path_dir_save / fn): dict_req for fn, dict_req in dict_req_all.items() } return dict_req_all
# generate requests def gen_req_era5( lat_x: float, lon_x: float, start: str, end: str, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0, dir_save=Path("."), ) -> dict: """Generate ERA-5 cdsapi-based requests and download data for area of interests. Parameters ---------- lat_x : float Latitude of centre at the area of interest. lon_x : float Longitude of centre at the area of interest. start : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()` end : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()` grid : list, optional grid size used in CDS request API, by default [0.125, 0.125] scale : int, optional scaling factor that determines the area of interest (i.e., `area=grid[0]*scale`), by default 0 Returns ------- dict key: name of downloaded file value: CDS API request used for downloading the file named by the corresponding key Note ---- 1. This function uses CDS API to download ERA5 data; follow this for configuration first: """ # path to directory for saving results path_dir_save = Path(dir_save).expanduser().resolve() # generate requests for surface level data dict_req_sfc = gen_req_sfc(lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0,) # generate requests for atmospheric level data dict_req_ml = {} for fn_sfc in dict_req_sfc.keys(): dict_req = gen_req_ml(path_dir_save / fn_sfc, grid, scale) dict_req_ml.update(dict_req) # collect all requests dict_req_all = {**dict_req_sfc, **dict_req_ml} dict_req_all = { str(path_dir_save / fn): dict_req for fn, dict_req in dict_req_all.items() } return dict_req_all # load downloaded files def load_filelist_era5( lat_x: float, lon_x: float, start: str, end: str, grid=[0.125, 0.125], scale=0, dir_save=Path("."), ): # download data: existing files will be excluded from the downloading list download_era5(lat_x, lon_x, start, end, dir_save, grid, scale) # attempt to generate requests dict_req_all = gen_req_era5(lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid, scale, dir_save) # downloaded files list_fn_sfc = [fn for fn in dict_req_all.keys() if fn.endswith("")] list_fn_ml = [fn for fn in dict_req_all.keys() if fn.endswith("")] return list_fn_sfc, list_fn_ml # generate supy forcing using ERA-5 data
[docs]def gen_forcing_era5( lat_x: float, lon_x: float, start: str, end: str, dir_save=Path("."), grid=[0.125, 0.125], hgt_agl_diag=100.0, scale=0, simple_mode=True, ) -> list: """Generate SUEWS forcing files using ERA-5 data. Parameters ---------- lat_x : float Latitude of centre at the area of interest. lon_x : float Longitude of centre at the area of interest. start : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()`. end : str Any datetime-like string that can be parsed by `pandas.daterange()`. dir_save: Path or path-like string path to directory for saving downloaded ERA5 netCDF files. grid : list, optional grid size used in CDS request API, by default [0.125, 0.125]. hgt_agl_diag: float height above ground level to diagnose forcing variables, by default 0; the ground level is taken from ERA5 grid altitude. scale : int, optional scaling factor that determines the area of interest (i.e., `area=grid[0]*scale`), by default 0 simple_mode: boolean if use the *simple* mode for diagnosing the forcing variables, by default `True`. In the simple mode, temperature is diagnosed using environmental lapse rate 6.5 K/km and wind speed using MOST under neutral condition. If `False`, MOST with consideration of stability conditions will be used to diagnose forcing variables. Returns ------- List A list of files in SUEWS forcing input format. Note ---- 1. This function uses CDS API to download ERA5 data; follow this for configuration first: 2. The generated forcing files can be imported using `supy.util.read_forcing` to get simulation-ready `pandas.DataFrame`s. 3. See Section 3.10.2 and 3.10.3 in the reference for details of diagnostics calculation. Reference --------- ECMWF, S. P. (2016). In IFS documentation CY41R2 Part IV: Physical Processes. ECMWF: Reading, UK, 111-113. """ import xarray as xr # download data list_fn_sfc, list_fn_ml = load_filelist_era5( lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid, scale, dir_save ) # load data from from `sfc` files ds_sfc = xr.open_mfdataset(list_fn_sfc, concat_dim="time").load() # close dangling handlers ds_sfc.close() # generate diagnostics at a higher level ds_diag = gen_ds_diag_era5(list_fn_sfc, list_fn_ml, hgt_agl_diag, simple_mode) # merge diagnostics above with surface variables ds_forcing_era5 = ds_sfc.merge(ds_diag) # convert to dataframe for further processing df_forcing_raw = ds_forcing_era5[ [ "ssrd", "strd", "sshf", "slhf", "tp", "uv_z", "theta_z", "q_z", "p_z", "alt_z", ] ].to_dataframe() # split based on grid coordinates grp_grid = df_forcing_raw.groupby(level=["latitude", "longitude"]) # generate dataframe acceptable by supy df_forcing = grp_grid.apply( lambda df: format_df_forcing( df.reset_index(["latitude", "longitude"], drop=True) ) ) # save results as SUEWS met input files list_fn = save_forcing_era5(df_forcing, dir_save) return list_fn
# format dataframe to SUEWS convention def format_df_forcing(df_forcing_raw): from atmosp import calculate as ac df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_raw.copy().round(3) # convert energy fluxes: [J m-2] to [W m-2] df_forcing_grid.loc[:, ["ssrd", "strd", "sshf", "slhf"]] /= 3600 # reverse the sign of qh and qe df_forcing_grid.loc[:, ["sshf", "slhf"]] *= -1 # convert rainfall: from [m] to [mm] df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "tp"] *= 1000 # get dry bulb temperature and relative humidity df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_grid.assign( Tair=ac( "T", qv=df_forcing_grid.q_z, theta=df_forcing_grid.theta_z, p=df_forcing_grid.p_z, ) - 273.15 ) df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_grid.assign( RH=ac( "RH", qv=df_forcing_grid.q_z, theta=df_forcing_grid.theta_z, p=df_forcing_grid.p_z, ) ) # convert atmospheric pressure: [Pa] to [kPa] df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "p_z"] /= 1000 # renaming for consistency with SUEWS df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_grid.rename( { "ssrd": "kdown", "strd": "ldown", "sshf": "qh", "slhf": "qe", "tp": "rain", "uv_z": "U", "p_z": "pres", }, axis=1, ) col_suews = [ "iy", "id", "it", "imin", "qn", "qh", "qe", "qs", "qf", "U", "RH", "Tair", "pres", "rain", "kdown", "snow", "ldown", "fcld", "Wuh", "xsmd", "lai", "kdiff", "kdir", "wdir", "alt_z", ] df_forcing_grid=df_forcing_grid.reindex(col_suews,axis=1) df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_grid.assign( iy=df_forcing_grid.index.year, id=df_forcing_grid.index.dayofyear, it=df_forcing_grid.index.hour, imin=df_forcing_grid.index.minute, ) # corrections df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "RH"] = df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "RH"].where( df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "RH"].between(0.001, 105), 105 ) df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "kdown"] = df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "kdown"].where( df_forcing_grid.loc[:, "kdown"] > 0, 0 ) # trim decimals df_forcing_grid.iloc[:, 4:] = df_forcing_grid.iloc[:, 4:].round(2) df_forcing_grid = df_forcing_grid.replace(np.nan, -999).asfreq("1h") return df_forcing_grid # generate supy forcing using ERA-5 data def gen_ds_diag_era5(list_fn_sfc, list_fn_ml, hgt_agl_diag=100, simple_mode=True): import xarray as xr from atmosp import calculate as ac # list_fn_sfc, list_fn_ml = load_download_era5( # lat_x, lon_x, start, end, grid, scale, dir_save) # load data from from `sfc` files ds_sfc = xr.open_mfdataset(list_fn_sfc, concat_dim="time").load() # close dangling handlers ds_sfc.close() # load data from from `ml` files ds_ml = xr.open_mfdataset(list_fn_ml, concat_dim="time").load() # close dangling handlers ds_ml.close() # surface level atmospheric pressure pres_z0 = ds_sfc.sp # hgt_agl_diag: height where to calculate diagnostics # hgt_agl_diag = 100 # determine a lowest level higher than surface at all times level_sel = get_level_diag(ds_sfc, ds_ml, hgt_agl_diag) # retrieve variables from the identified lowest level ds_ll = ds_ml.sel( time=ds_ml.time, level=xr.DataArray(level_sel.values, dims="time") ) # altitude alt_z0 = geopotential2geometric(ds_sfc.z, ds_sfc.latitude) alt_za = geopotential2geometric(ds_ll.z, ds_ll.latitude) # atmospheric pressure [Pa] pres_za = pres_z0 * 0 + ds_ll.level * 100 # u-wind [m s-1] u_za = ds_ll.u # u-wind [m s-1] v_za = ds_ll.v # wind speed [m s-1] uv_za = np.sqrt(u_za ** 2 + v_za ** 2) # potential temperature [K] theta_za = ds_ll.t # specific humidity [kg kg-1] q_za = ds_ll.q # ------------------------ # retrieve surface data # wind speed u10 = ds_sfc.u10 v10 = ds_sfc.v10 uv10 = np.sqrt(u10 ** 2 + v10 ** 2) # sensible/latent heat flux [W m-2] # conversion from cumulative value to hourly average qh = -ds_sfc.sshf / 3600 qe = -ds_sfc.slhf / 3600 # surface roughness [m] z0m = ds_sfc.fsr # friction velocity [m s-1] ustar = ds_sfc.zust # air temperature t2 = ds_sfc.t2m # dew point d2 = ds_sfc.d2m # specific humidity q2 = ac("qv", Td=d2, T=t2, p=pres_z0) # diagnose wind, temperature and humidity at 100 m agl or `hgt_agl_max` (see below) # conform dimensionality using an existing variable za = alt_za - alt_z0 z = za * 0 + hgt_agl_diag da_alt_z = (alt_z0 + z).rename("alt_z") ds_alt_z = da_alt_z.to_dataset() # get dataset of diagnostics if simple_mode: ds_diag = diag_era5_simple(z0m, ustar, pres_z0, uv10, t2, q2, z) else: ds_diag = diag_era5( za, uv_za, theta_za, q_za, pres_za, qh, qe, z0m, ustar, pres_z0, uv10, t2, q2, z, ) # merge altitude ds_diag = ds_diag.merge(ds_alt_z).drop("level") return ds_diag # a simple way to diagnose variables at a higher level def diag_era5_simple(z0m, ustar, pres_z0, uv10, t2, q2, z): from atmosp import calculate as ac import xarray as xr from ._atm import cal_lat_vap, cal_cp, cal_psi_mom, cal_psi_heat # constants # environmental lapse rate [K m^-1] env_lapse = 6.5 / 1000.0 # gravity [m s^-2] grav = 9.80616 # Gas constant for dry air [J K^-1 kg^-1] rd = 287.04 # correct temperature using lapse rate t_z = t2 - (z - 2) * env_lapse # barometric equation with varying temperature: # ( # p_z = pres_z0 * np.exp((grav * (0 - z)) / (rd * t2)) p_z = pres_z0 * (t2 / (t2 + env_lapse * (z - 2))) ** (grav / (rd * env_lapse)) # correct humidity assuming invariable relative humidity RH_z = ac("RH", qv=q2, p=pres_z0, theta=t2) + 0 * t_z q_z = ac("qv", RH=RH_z, p=p_z, theta=t_z) + 0 * t_z # correct wind speed using log law; assuming neutral condition (without stability correction) uv_z = uv10 * (np.log((z + z0m) / z0m) / np.log((10 + z0m) / z0m)) # generate dataset ds_diag = xr.merge( [ uv_z.rename("uv_z"), t_z.rename("theta_z"), q_z.rename("q_z"), RH_z.rename("RH_z"), p_z.rename("p_z"), ] ) return ds_diag # diagnose ISL variable using MOST def diag_era5( za, uv_za, theta_za, q_za, pres_za, qh, qe, z0m, ustar, pres_z0, uv10, t2, q2, z ): # reference: # Section 3.10.2 and 3.10.3 in # IFS Documentation CY41R2: Part IV: Physical Processes # from atmosp import calculate as ac import xarray as xr from ._atm import cal_lat_vap, cal_cp, cal_psi_mom, cal_psi_heat # von Karman constant kappa = 0.4 # gravity acceleration g = 9.8 # note the roughness correction: see EC technical report z0m = np.where(z0m < 0.03, z0m, 0.03) # air density avdens = ac("rho", qv=q2, p=pres_z0, theta=t2) # vapour pressure lv_j_kg = cal_lat_vap(q2, t2, pres_z0) # heat capacity avcp = cal_cp(q2, t2, pres_z0) # temperature/humidity scales tstar = -qh / (avcp * avdens) / ustar # qstar = -qe / (lv_j_kg * avdens) / ustar l_mod = ustar ** 2 / (g / t2 * kappa * tstar) zoL = np.where( np.abs((z + z0m) / l_mod) < 5, (z + z0m) / l_mod, np.sign((z + z0m) / l_mod) * 5, ) # l_mod = np.where(np.abs(l_mod) < 5, l_mod, np.sign(l_mod)*5) # `stab_psi_mom`, `stab_psi_heat` # stability correction for momentum psim_z = cal_psi_mom(zoL) psim_z0 = cal_psi_mom(z0m / l_mod) psim_10 = cal_psi_mom((10 + z0m) / l_mod) # wind speed # uv_z = uv_za * ( # (np.log(z / z0m) - psim_z + psim_z0) / (np.log(za / z0m) - psim_za + psim_z0) # ) uv_z = uv10 * ( (np.log((z + z0m) / z0m) - psim_z + psim_z0) / (np.log((10 + z0m) / z0m) - psim_10 + psim_z0) ) # uv_z = ustar / kappa * (np.log(z / z0m) - psim_z + psim_z0) # stability correction for heat psih_z = cal_psi_heat(zoL) psih_2 = cal_psi_heat(2 / l_mod) psih_z0 = cal_psi_heat(z0m / l_mod) psih_za = cal_psi_heat(za / l_mod) # atmospheric pressure: assuming same air density at `za` # using iteration to get `p_z` p_z = pres_z0 + (pres_za - pres_z0) * z / za # specific humidity # q_z = q_za + qstar / kappa * (np.log(z / za) - psih_z + psih_za) q_z = q2 + (q_za - q2) * ( (np.log(z / z0m) - psih_z + psih_z0) / (np.log(za / z0m) - psih_za + psih_z0) ) # potential temperature # theta_z = theta_za + tstar / kappa * (np.log(z / za) - psih_z + psih_za) # theta_z = t2 + (theta_za - t2) * ((np.log(z / z0m) - psih_z + psih_z0) / # (np.log(za / z0m) - psih_za + psih_z0)) # dry static energy: eq 3.5 in EC tech report; # also AMS ref: # 2 m agl: cp2 = cal_cp(q2, t2, pres_z0 / 100) cp_za = cal_cp(q_za, theta_za, pres_za / 100) s2 = g * 2 + cp2 * t2 # za: t_za = ac("T", qv=q_za, p=pres_za, theta=theta_za) s_za = g * za + cp_za * t_za # s_z = s2 + (s_za - s2) * ( # (np.log(z / z0m) - psih_z + psih_z0) / (np.log(za / z0m) - psih_za + psih_z0) # ) s_z = s2 + (s_za - s2) * ( (np.log(z / 2) - psih_z + psih_2) / (np.log(za / 2) - psih_za + psih_2) ) # calculate potential temperature at z theta_z_x = theta_za dif = 10 while dif > 0.1: cp_z = cal_cp(q_z, theta_z_x, p_z / 100) t_z = (s_z - g * z) / cp_z theta_z = ac("theta", T=t_z, qv=q_z, p=p_z) dif = np.mean(np.abs(theta_z_x - theta_z)) theta_z_x = theta_z theta_z = theta_z + theta_za * 0 RH_z = ac("RH", qv=q_z, p=p_z, theta=theta_z) + 0 * q_z RH_z = RH_z.where(RH_z < 105, 105) # generate dataset ds_diag = xr.merge( [ uv_z.rename("uv_z"), theta_z.rename("theta_z"), q_z.rename("q_z"), RH_z.rename("RH_z"), p_z.rename("p_z"), ] ) return ds_diag # save ERA5 forcing dataframe to SUEWS-simulation ready txt files def save_forcing_era5(df_forcing_era5, dir_save): gpb = df_forcing_era5.groupby(["latitude", "longitude"]) list_grid = list(gpb.groups.keys()) list_fn = [] path_dir_save = Path(dir_save) # split into grids for lat, lon in list_grid: df_grid = df_forcing_era5.loc[lat, lon] s_lat = f"{lat}N" if lat >= 0 else f"{lat}S" s_lon = f"{lon}E" if lon >= 0 else f"{lon}W" alt_z = df_grid.alt_z[0] df_grid = df_grid.drop("alt_z", axis=1) s_alt = f"{alt_z:.1f}A" idx_grid = df_grid.index # split into years grp_year = df_grid.groupby(idx_grid.year) for year in grp_year.groups: df_year = grp_year.get_group(year) idx_year = df_year.index s_year = idx_year[0].year s_freq = idx_year.freq / pd.Timedelta("1T") s_fn = f"ERA5_UTC-{s_lat}-{s_lon}-{s_alt}_{s_year}_data_{s_freq:.0f}.txt" path_fn = path_dir_save / s_fn df_year.to_csv(path_fn, sep=" ", index=False) # collect file names list_fn.append(str(path_fn)) return list_fn def get_level_diag(ds_sfc, ds_ml, hgt_agl_diag): # get altitude from `sfc` files da_gph_sfc = ds_sfc.z da_lat_sfc = da_gph_sfc.latitude da_alt_sfc = geopotential2geometric(da_gph_sfc, da_lat_sfc) # get altitude from `ml` files da_gph_ml = ds_ml.z da_lat_ml = da_gph_ml.latitude da_alt_ml = geopotential2geometric(da_gph_ml, da_lat_ml) # determine a lowest level higher than surface at all times # hgt_agl_diag = 100 ind_alt = ((da_alt_sfc + hgt_agl_diag) < da_alt_ml).compute() level_sel = (ind_alt.sum(dim="level") - 1).values.flatten() level_sel = da_alt_ml.level[level_sel] return level_sel