Source code for supy._supy_module

# ###########################################################################
# SuPy: SUEWS for Python
# Authors:
# Ting Sun,
# History:
# 20 Jan 2018: first alpha release
# 01 Feb 2018: performance improvement
# 03 Feb 2018: improvement in output processing
# 08 Mar 2018: pypi packaging
# 04 Oct 2018: overhaul of structure
# 05 Oct 2018: added sample run data
# 28 Apr 2019: added support for parallel run

import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import pandas
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ._check import check_forcing, check_state
from ._env import logger_supy, path_supy_module
from ._load import (
from ._run import run_supy_par, run_supy_ser
from ._save import get_save_info, save_df_output, save_df_state, save_initcond_nml

# set up logging module

# 1. compact wrapper for loading SUEWS settings
# @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16)
[docs]def init_supy( path_init: str, force_reload=True, check_input=False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Initialise supy by loading initial model states. Parameters ---------- path_init : str Path to a file that can initialise SuPy, which can be either of the follows: * SUEWS :ref:`RunControl.nml<suews:RunControl.nml>`: a namelist file for SUEWS configurations * SuPy `df_state.csv`: a CSV file including model states produced by a SuPy run via :py:func:`supy.save_supy` force_reload: boolean, optional Flag to force reload all initialisation files by clearing all cached states, with default value `True` (i.e., force reload all files). Note: If the number of simulation grids is large (e.g., > 100), `force_reload=False` is strongly recommended for better performance. check_input: boolean, optional flag for checking validity of input: `df_forcing` and `df_state_init`. If set to `True`, any detected invalid input will stop SuPy simulation; a `False` flag will bypass such validation and may incur kernel error if any invalid input. *Note: such checking procedure may take some time if the input is large.* (the default is `False`, which bypasses the validation). Returns ------- df_state_init: pandas.DataFrame Initial model states. See `df_state_var` for details. Examples -------- 1. Use :ref:`RunControl.nml<suews:RunControl.nml>` to initialise SuPy >>> path_init = "~/SUEWS_sims/RunControl.nml" >>> df_state_init = supy.init_supy(path_init) 2. Use ``df_state.csv`` to initialise SuPy >>> path_init = "~/SuPy_res/df_state_test.csv" >>> df_state_init = supy.init_supy(path_init) """ try: path_init_x = Path(path_init).expanduser().resolve() except FileNotFoundError: logger_supy.exception(f"{path_init_x} does not exists!") else: if path_init_x.suffix == ".nml": # SUEWS `RunControl.nml`: df_state_init = load_InitialCond_grid_df( path_init_x, force_reload=force_reload ) elif path_init_x.suffix == ".csv": # SuPy `df_state.csv`: df_state_init = load_df_state(path_init_x) else: logger_supy.critical( f"{path_init_x} is NOT a valid file to initialise SuPy!" ) raise RuntimeError("{path_init_x} is NOT a valid file to initialise SuPy!") if check_input: try: list_issues = check_state(df_state_init) if isinstance(list_issues, list): logger_supy.critical( f"`df_state_init` loaded from {path_init_x} is NOT valid to initialise SuPy!" ) except: raise RuntimeError( "{path_init_x} is NOT a valid file to initialise SuPy!" ) else: return df_state_init
# # TODO: # def load_forcing(path_pattern: str, grid: int = 0) -> pd.DataFrame: # pass # TODO: # to be superseded by a more generic wrapper: load_forcing
[docs]def load_forcing_grid( path_runcontrol: str, grid: int, check_input=False, force_reload=True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Load forcing data for a specific grid included in the index of `df_state_init </data-structure/supy-io.ipynb#df_state_init:-model-initial-states>`. Parameters ---------- path_runcontrol : str Path to SUEWS :ref:`RunControl.nml <suews:RunControl.nml>` grid : int Grid number check_input : bool, optional flag for checking validity of input: `df_forcing` and `df_state_init`. If set to `True`, any detected invalid input will stop SuPy simulation; a `False` flag will bypass such validation and may incur kernel error if any invalid input. *Note: such checking procedure may take some time if the input is large.* (the default is `False`, which bypasses the validation). Returns ------- df_forcing: pandas.DataFrame Forcing data. See `df_forcing_var` for details. Examples -------- >>> path_runcontrol = "~/SUEWS_sims/RunControl.nml" # a valid path to `RunControl.nml` >>> df_state_init = supy.init_supy(path_runcontrol) # get `df_state_init` >>> grid = df_state_init.index[0] # first grid number included in `df_state_init` >>> df_forcing = supy.load_forcing_grid(path_runcontrol, grid) # get df_forcing """ try: path_runcontrol = Path(path_runcontrol).expanduser().resolve() except FileNotFoundError: logger_supy.exception(f"{path_runcontrol} does not exists!") else: dict_mod_cfg = load_SUEWS_dict_ModConfig(path_runcontrol) df_state_init = init_supy(path_runcontrol, force_reload) # load setting variables from dict_mod_cfg ( filecode, kdownzen, tstep_met_in, tstep_ESTM_in, multiplemetfiles, multipleestmfiles, dir_input_cfg, ) = ( dict_mod_cfg[x] for x in [ "filecode", "kdownzen", "resolutionfilesin", "resolutionfilesinestm", "multiplemetfiles", "multipleestmfiles", "fileinputpath", ] ) tstep_mod, lat, lon, alt, timezone = df_state_init.loc[ grid, [(x, "0") for x in ["tstep", "lat", "lng", "alt", "timezone"]] ].values path_site = path_runcontrol.parent path_input = path_site / dict_mod_cfg["fileinputpath"] # load raw data # met forcing df_forcing_met = load_SUEWS_Forcing_met_df_raw( path_input, filecode, grid, tstep_met_in, multiplemetfiles ) # resample raw data from tstep_in to tstep_mod df_forcing_met_tstep = resample_forcing_met( df_forcing_met, tstep_met_in, tstep_mod, lat, lon, alt, timezone, kdownzen ) # coerced precision here to prevent numerical errors inside Fortran df_forcing = df_forcing_met_tstep.round(10) # new columns for later use in main calculation df_forcing[["iy", "id", "it", "imin"]] = df_forcing[ ["iy", "id", "it", "imin"] ].astype(np.int64) if check_input: try: list_issues = check_forcing(df_forcing) if isinstance(list_issues, list): logger_supy.critical( f"`df_forcing` loaded from {path_input} is NOT valid to drive SuPy!" ) except: sys.exit() else: return df_forcing
# load sample data for quickly starting a demo run # TODO: to deprecate this by renaming for case consistency: load_SampleData-->load_sample_data
[docs]def load_SampleData() -> Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame]: """Load sample data for quickly starting a demo run. Returns ------- df_state_init, df_forcing: Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] - df_state_init: `initial model states <df_state_var>` - df_forcing: `forcing data <df_forcing_var>` Examples -------- >>> df_state_init, df_forcing = supy.load_SampleData() """ path_SampleData = Path(path_supy_module) / "sample_run" path_runcontrol = path_SampleData / "RunControl.nml" df_state_init = init_supy(path_runcontrol, force_reload=False) df_forcing = load_forcing_grid(path_runcontrol, df_state_init.index[0]) return df_state_init, df_forcing
# input processing code end here ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # 2. compact wrapper for running a whole simulation # # main calculation # input as DataFrame
[docs]def run_supy( df_forcing: pandas.DataFrame, df_state_init: pandas.DataFrame, save_state=False, chunk_day=3660, logging_level=logging.INFO, check_input=False, serial_mode=False, ) -> Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame]: """Perform supy simulation. Parameters ---------- df_forcing : pandas.DataFrame forcing data for all grids in `df_state_init`. df_state_init : pandas.DataFrame initial model states; or a collection of model states with multiple timestamps, whose last temporal record will be used as the initial model states. save_state : bool, optional flag for saving model states at each time step, which can be useful in diagnosing model runtime performance or performing a restart run. (the default is False, which instructs supy not to save runtime model states). chunk_day : int, optional chunk size (`chunk_day` days) to split simulation periods so memory usage can be reduced. (the default is 3660, which implies ~10-year forcing chunks used in simulations). logging_level: logging level one of these values [50 (CRITICAL), 40 (ERROR), 30 (WARNING), 20 (INFO), 10 (DEBUG)]. A lower value informs SuPy for more verbose logging info. check_input : bool, optional flag for checking validity of input: `df_forcing` and `df_state_init`. If set to `True`, any detected invalid input will stop SuPy simulation; a `False` flag will bypass such validation and may incur kernel error if any invalid input. *Note: such checking procedure may take some time if the input is large.* (the default is `False`, which bypasses the validation). serial_mode : bool, optional If set to `True`, SuPy simulation will be conducted in serial mode; a `False` flag will try parallel simulation if possible (Windows not supported, i.e., always serial). (the default is `False`). Returns ------- df_output, df_state_final : Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] - df_output: `output results <df_output_var>` - df_state_final: `final model states <df_state_var>` Examples -------- >>> df_output, df_state_final = supy.run_supy(df_forcing, df_state_init) """ # validate input dataframes if check_input: # forcing: list_issues_forcing = check_forcing(df_forcing) if isinstance(list_issues_forcing, list): logger_supy.critical(f"`df_forcing` is NOT valid to drive SuPy!") raise RuntimeError( "SuPy stopped entering simulation due to invalid forcing!" ) # initial model states: list_issues_state = check_state(df_state_init) if isinstance(list_issues_state, list): logger_supy.critical(f"`df_state_init` is NOT valid to initialise SuPy!") raise RuntimeError( "SuPy stopped entering simulation due to invalid initial states!" ) # set up a timer for simulation time start = time.time() # adjust logging level logger_supy.setLevel(logging_level) # save df_init without changing its original data # df.copy() in pandas works as a standard python deepcopy # df_init = df_state_init.copy() # print some diagnostic info"====================")"Simulation period:")" Start: {df_forcing.index[0]}")" End: {df_forcing.index[-1]}")"") list_grid = df_state_init.index.get_level_values("grid").unique() n_grid = list_grid.size"No. of grids: {n_grid}") if n_grid > 1 and != "nt" and (not serial_mode):"SuPy is running in parallel mode") df_output, df_state_final = run_supy_par( df_forcing, df_state_init, save_state, chunk_day ) else:"SuPy is running in serial mode") df_output, df_state_final = run_supy_ser( df_forcing, df_state_init, save_state, chunk_day ) # show simulation time end = time.time()"Execution time: {(end - start):.1f} s")"====================\n") return df_output, df_state_final
############################################################################## # 3. save results of a supy run
[docs]def save_supy( df_output: pandas.DataFrame, df_state_final: pandas.DataFrame, freq_s: int = 3600, site: str = "", path_dir_save: str = Path("."), path_runcontrol: str = None, save_tstep=False, logging_level=50, output_level=1, debug=False, ) -> list: """Save SuPy run results to files Parameters ---------- df_output : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of output df_state_final : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of final model states freq_s : int, optional Output frequency in seconds (the default is 3600, which indicates hourly output) site : str, optional Site identifier (the default is '', which indicates site identifier will be left empty) path_dir_save : str, optional Path to directory to saving the files (the default is Path('.'), which indicates the current working directory) path_runcontrol : str, optional Path to SUEWS :ref:`RunControl.nml <suews:RunControl.nml>`, which, if set, will be preferably used to derive `freq_s`, `site` and `path_dir_save`. (the default is None, which is unset) save_tstep : bool, optional whether to save results in temporal resolution as in simulation (which may result very large files and slow progress), by default False. logging_level: logging level one of these values [50 (CRITICAL), 40 (ERROR), 30 (WARNING), 20 (INFO), 10 (DEBUG)]. A lower value informs SuPy for more verbose logging info. output_level : integer, optional option to determine selection of output variables, by default 1. Notes: 0 for all but snow-related; 1 for all; 2 for a minimal set without land cover specific information. debug : bool, optional whether to enable debug mode (e.g., writing out in serial mode, and other debug uses), by default False. Returns ------- list a list of paths of saved files Examples -------- 1. save results of a supy run to the current working directory with default settings >>> list_path_save = supy.save_supy(df_output, df_state_final) 2. save results according to settings in :ref:`RunControl.nml <suews:RunControl.nml>` >>> list_path_save = supy.save_supy(df_output, df_state_final, path_runcontrol='path/to/RunControl.nml') 3. save results of a supy run at resampling frequency of 1800 s (i.e., half-hourly results) under the site code ``Test`` to a customised location 'path/to/some/dir' >>> list_path_save = supy.save_supy(df_output, df_state_final, freq_s=1800, site='Test', path_dir_save='path/to/some/dir') """ # adjust logging level logger_supy.setLevel(logging_level) # get necessary information for saving procedure if path_runcontrol is not None: freq_s, path_dir_save, site, save_tstep, output_level = get_save_info( path_runcontrol ) # determine `save_snow` option snowuse = df_state_final.iloc[-1].loc["snowuse"].values.item() save_snow = True if snowuse == 1 else False # check if directory for saving results exists; if not, create one. path_dir_save = Path(path_dir_save) if not path_dir_save.exists(): path_dir_save.mkdir(parents=True) # save df_output to several files list_path_save = save_df_output( df_output, freq_s, site, path_dir_save, save_tstep, output_level, save_snow, debug, ) # save df_state if path_runcontrol is not None: # save as nml as SUEWS binary list_path_nml = save_initcond_nml(df_state_final, site, path_dir_save) list_path_save = list_path_save + list_path_nml else: # save as supy csv for later use path_state_save = save_df_state(df_state_final, site, path_dir_save) # update list_path_save list_path_save.append(path_state_save) return list_path_save